One. Initial state: heaven and earth: earth Formless and empty, darkness over the deep waters
2. light: let there be light The light is called day, and the darkness is called night - and there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
3. Day 2: A space will be created in the midst of the water, and water and water will be divided -> Creation of space: Heaven
4. Under the sky, the water gathers in one place, and the dry land is exposed and becomes the earth./ The gathered water is the sea
5. Plants on the ground, tree bearing fruit
6. Day 3: Let there be lights in the heavenly space, dividing the day from the night, to be a sign of the seasons, the days, and the years, let the light of the heavenly space illuminate the earth, two lights and a star
7. Day 4: Creatures multiply in the water, create birds that fly in the sky
8. Day 5: Living things on the ground, livestock, and wild animals
9. Creation of Man: Making man in our likeness and making him rule over all things, including fish in the sea, birds in the air, and livestock, male and female.